Sunday, August 15, 2010


D. Everrett: Spent 30 years studying the culture and language of an Amazonian tribe Pitaha.

O. Sacks: Tries to figure out the most mysterious neurological pathologies.

W. Allen: hilarious, witty, iconoclastic, and cynical about human nature.

Plato: Endeavors to understand moral principles.

Kafka: wakes up to find that he turned into a monstrous insect.

Gandhi: Encountered numerous experiences of the Absolute Truth.

J. H. Poincare: Didn't make a big deal of the theory of relativity, before A. Einstein thought about it!

1 comment:

Alimusickw said...

هلا بعبدالله
والله مادري شتقول بس اكيد خوش كلام
